What Up!
Hi, I’m Amber G, Your Independent Scentsy Consultant. Here’s the deal, life is hard and stressful. But it doesn’t have to stink too. I’m here to help you with that.
Want some old school rub n sniff stickers of some of our scents?

What is Scentsy?
Scentsy is an international leader in home & personal fragrance, offering stylish, innovate & customizable products designed to Warmer the Heart, Enliven the Senses and Inspire the Soul
How does my life smell??

Frosty Air Laundry!
Clean, A tad minty, bold and just the perfect snuggle up scent

Scent Hayrides!
Fall without bashing you in the face fall. Juice apples, fresh air. Just nice crisp fall day.

Scentsy Swipes
Dude, handy dandy! And in a new scent. I dare you to try them on your mirror!

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