Snow White is the Original Disney Princess

Like a wish come true, we’re also bringing back the Disney Snow White – Scentsy Warmer and the fragrance that pairs perfectly with both products:

Scentsy's Snow White collection with warmer and buddy

I think we all feel like Snow White from time to time, or at least wish we had 7 dwarfs to help us around the house and critters that helped around the house lol

Snow White

*So the warmer was brought out of the vault and honestly, she is so pretty. All the details. The flowers, the animals, the real robe, the well. It really is just stunning. The warmer will be $85

*The scent, Snow White: Kind Heart — Cherish the pure beauty of lily of the valley, smooth vanilla and a bite of lush apple while an undertone of sandalwood sweeps you off your feet. Is light, airy, but sweet (not candy sweet like cute sweet). It is a great great springy scent.

*Now, we are releasing a Snow White buddy. (we’ve had belle, cinderella, anna, and elsa, I think that is it) I love her hair and the bow in her hair. You know me I love details. And comes with her Kind Heart scent. The buddy would make a great addition to a easter basket. And will be $45.

Releasing on 3-10-25.

xoxo amber g

Snow White warmer
The details of the snow white warmer
Up close details for the warmer
Snow white
Snow White scentsy warmer
video of the Snow White scentsy warmer

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