Do you love getting things before others?

I’m like you. I LOVE early access.  I love feeling special.  Like i got something others don’t have yet.  So i’m offering a Scent of the Month Club.

What is it?

Every month we release a new scent.  I find out a month early what it is.  So when i find out, you get first dibs.  I’ll let you know what it is, and the description right away.  Then if you want it, it is yours.  The cost is $9 a bar which includes tax and shipping.

When will it get it?

I will let you know on the 1st of the month what the next month’s scent it.  If you choose to grab it, I will ship it around the 20th.

Is there a commitment?

Nope!  You just go on my list.  I contact ya and we go from there.  Not every scent is for everyone.


Sign up!

scent of the month club