New catalog coming = Good Bye some favs
Twice a year we have a new catalog. That means we have to say good bye to a LOT of things. This is all the things

I always hate getting this list. I hate saying good bye to things.
So here some of the highlights AKA the things I’m saddest about lol
- Letterboard warmer!!1 I don’t have it. But, so many people love it and have done the best sayings on it.
- Hogwarts warmer. It is truly one of my favorite warmers. Like for real real. I love the details, and the antique-y look of it. If you are a HP fan, you need this warmer
- Dutch Apple Bread, Leaves & lavender, Chrsitmas Cottage. Those are the scents I’m so sad about. And they are already in my club BAHAHAHA
- Im so sad about the car bars leaving for good. Like, not coming back. And sooooo many are already sold out.
- I just learned to love Scarlet Sunflower in the clean line.
Ok, so look at the list. Legit grab the warmers you love. If you own one of those warmers, grab an extra dish. Truly! We do not promise to carry replacement dishes once a warmer is gone.
If you love a scent, put it in club. Seriously. Set up club, set it to ship every 3 months. It will ship twice before the new fall/winter catalog info is out. So then I can tell you if it is coming back or not and we adjust It is much much better than losing a scent you love. If you are confused or have trouble, ask me. I can set your club up for you
Then also stock up on everything because it is 10% off. I ALWAYS stock up on Laundry liquid, swipes and scentsy fresh this month. Like always lol. And if you wanna stock up even more, grab a rewards link.
What things are you super sad to see leaving????
Also Leaving at the end of the month!!!

- Nov Warmer and Scent of the month
- Valentine’s Day Collection
- Lion King Collection
- NFL Collection
- Feb Whiffbox
xoxo amber, g

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