How to store Scentsy Wax
This is a super common question. But honestly it is very very simple. And if you store Scentsy wax right, it legit will last years!!!
What is scentsy wax?
We did a whole deep dive on this, have you read it???

The question, How to store?
The best way is flat. Yes flat. Our wax is soft wax. So there will be expansion and contraction along with some sweating (more on that below). So storing it flat will help keep everything where it needs to be.
And as close to room temp as possible. I get that isn’t always possible. But keep it inside. Not the freezer, not the garage, not the attic lol.
My wax is sweaty? My wax has faded?
Dude that is honestly a good thing but weird right? So when it sweats that means it did that expanding and contracting thing. And when it did that it pushed some of the fragrance oils up to the top. But since we are storing it flat…no biggie. Use as normal. Do not wipe it off, that is your fragrance. It will mix right in as it melts down.
Blue wax seems to fade the most with red being next. It is ok. We don’t use UV stabilizers in our wax. So that means, it just fades. But it has zero effect on your scent.
How I store my wax.
Yall know I’m sort of ocd lol. I like relaxing watery scents in the bedroom, food scents in kitchen and so on. So I have a box in each room with specific wax. In the bedroom it is under the bed, bathroom, in the towel closet and so on. Super simple. And don’t forget to throw some cotton clean ups in there for easy wax swapping

I hope this helped answer you questions on How to store your Scentsy wax. If you have any more questions, holler at me. Now, which wax are you going to grab?
xoxo Amber g

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